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a business coach helping you go from burnt out to booked out.

Bailee Hill

Hi There, I’m

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Marzipan lollipop marzipan cotton candy dragée. Ice cream candy canes marzipan jelly gummi bears jelly sesame snaps macaroon cookie. Chocolate cake carrot cake apple pie. Jelly lollipop biscuit jelly beans carrot cake sesame snaps bonbon brownie pie. Sesame snaps oat cake candy canes cotton candy marzipan toffee pudding tiramisu sweet. Macaroon icing topping jujubes. Ice cream jelly toffee dessert. Croissant biscuit brownie cookie danish sweet caramels cookie. 

I’m a mom, wife, and business coach living out my dreams.

Ready for Your breakthrough?

Here's How

Marzipan lollipop marzipan cotton candy dragée. Ice cream candy canes marzipan jelly gummi bears jelly sesame snaps macaroon cookie. Chocolate cake carrot cake apple pie. Jelly lollipop biscuit jelly beans carrot cake sesame snaps bonbon brownie pie. Sesame snaps oat cake candy canes cotton candy marzipan toffee pudding tiramisu sweet. Macaroon icing topping jujubes. Ice cream jelly toffee dessert. Croissant biscuit brownie cookie danish sweet caramels cookie. 

I want to help you achieve your goals, too.

You can have the same freedom

Love Notes


-Lauren Hale

Marzipan lollipop marzipan cotton candy dragée. Ice cream candy canes marzipan jelly gummi bears jelly sesame snaps macaroon cookie. Chocolate cake carrot cake apple pie. 

Bailee helped me realize that I can achieve more than I ever dreamed.

-Lauren Hale

Marzipan lollipop marzipan cotton candy dragée. Ice cream candy canes marzipan jelly gummi bears jelly sesame snaps macaroon cookie. Chocolate cake carrot cake apple pie. 

Jujubes ice cream carrot cake gummi bears fruitcake sweet roll icing. 

-Lauren Hale

Marzipan lollipop marzipan cotton candy dragée. Ice cream candy canes marzipan jelly gummi bears jelly sesame snaps macaroon cookie. Chocolate cake carrot cake apple pie. 

Gummies cake marzipan sweet roll gummies marshmallow.

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“Bailee’s workbook gave me so much clarity on where I want to take my photography business! So thankful for this resource.”

-Lauren Hale

Marzipan lollipop marzipan cotton candy dragée. Ice cream candy canes marzipan jelly gummi bears jelly sesame snaps macaroon cookie. 

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A great blog title will go right about here

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Marzipan lollipop marzipan cotton candy dragée. Ice cream candy canes marzipan jelly gummi bears jelly sesame snaps macaroon cookie. 

Ready for your Breakthrough?